Let’s go to work!

Duration: 75 minutes
Age rating: >12
Let’s go to work! invites us to a lively reflection on the place of work.
After all, what do we work for?
What is the work for?
Why is it that, for most adults, life is organized around work?�
These questions can question anyone, but they disturb us more at certain stages of life. Therefore, we dedicate this show to everyone who may be experiencing one of these moments. Builder of subjectivity and organizer of society, work occupies a central place in the human world. This work of ours is made up of ideas, dances, music, words, songs, bodies, machines and so many other things. Let’s go to work?

Staging, scenography and dramaturgy: Igor Gandra
Staging assistance: Carla Veloso
Song lyrics: António Gil
Music: Fernando Rodrigues
Interpretation: Carla Veloso, Catarina Chora, Eduardo Mendes, Igor Gandra, Mariana Lamego
Plastic creation: Eduardo Mendes
Video: LoTA Gandra
Lighting design: Mariana Figueroa
Costumes: Marta Figueroa
Scene photography: Susana Neves
Construction workshop: Eduardo Mendes, Hernâni Miranda, Igor Gandra, Carla Veloso, Catarina Chora, Mariana Lamego
Thanks: Ana Lúcia Figueiredo
Production: Teatro de Ferro 2023
Co-production: Fábrica das Artes – Centro Cultural de Belém, Fundação Lapa do Lobo, Teatro Aveirense, Teatro Municipal da Guarda, Teatro Municipal de Faro

The Iron Theater is a structure financed by the Portuguese Republic/Culture, Directorate-General for the Arts


Teatro das Figuras