_Makinations.FEB'25 | The regular goes a long way...
One of Mákina's main missions as a structure is to work with and for the needs of the territory, otherwise we would be just another element of gentrification, which the Algarve has no shortage of.In this sense, we have been building calmly, especially because precise and in-depth plans are necessary to change old trends and we are gradually expanding our areas of activity, trying to be fair and generous. This year, in addition to consolidating some projects that you already know about, we will start others and we will have many more things to communicate to you. We will not be short of the desire to hear from you, give us feedback.
In addition to now having theater offers for almost all ages - childhood, adolescence and seniors, we are going to start an artistic intervention in the community, in Quarteira, with the initiative - Capitães de Areia, which in itself will have an intense program. We will start communicating regular activities, as well as, of course, the monthly schedule and all the things we will be involved in. We'll try to keep these texts short, promise!
Bring on February, and regularity will be a long way off.
"Beauty is an act of terrorism against intolerance." - Angelica Liddell
Rua Gonçalves Zarco 9-6, 8100-662 Loulé, Faro, Portugal