Initial Consultation Agreement Template Iccrc

As an immigration consultant, it is important to have a solid initial consultation agreement in place before beginning any work with potential clients. An initial consultation agreement template provided by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) is a great tool to ensure that both you and your clients are on the same page regarding the scope of work and fees involved in your services.

The ICCRC initial consultation agreement template is designed to protect both parties in the consultation process by outlining the terms of the consultation, including the purpose, fees, and expectations of both the immigration consultant and the client.

The purpose section of the agreement template outlines what the initial consultation will cover, including the assessment of the client`s immigration options and the provision of advice on how to proceed. The agreement also specifies that the information provided during the consultation is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

The fees section of the agreement specifies the amount that will be charged for the initial consultation, as well as any additional fees that may be incurred if the client chooses to proceed with additional services. It is important to ensure that the fees charged are reasonable and disclosed upfront to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on.

The expectations section of the agreement outlines what is expected of both the immigration consultant and the client during the consultation process. This includes providing accurate and complete information and adhering to the agreed-upon timeline for the consultation.

In addition, the ICCRC initial consultation agreement template also includes provisions regarding confidentiality, liability, and dispute resolution. It is important to review these sections carefully and make any necessary amendments to suit your specific needs and circumstances.

Overall, using an initial consultation agreement template provided by the ICCRC can help ensure that both you and your clients are clear on the terms of the consultation and can prevent any misunderstandings or disputes down the line. As an immigration consultant experienced in SEO, it is crucial to ensure that all aspects of your business are properly documented and transparent, and the initial consultation agreement is no exception.