Ira Savage Lewis Contract

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Ira Savage Lewis was an American painter, sculptor, and illustrator who lived between 1834 and 1908. He was notable for his illustrations of books and magazines during the late 19th century and was a close associate of Mark Twain.

Regarding the contract, there is limited information available on the specific contract of Ira Savage Lewis. However, it is known that he worked as an illustrator for popular publications of the time such as Harper`s Weekly, and it was common for artists to sign contracts with publishers for their work.

While the specifics of Ira Savage Lewis` contract are unknown, it is safe to assume that it would have included details such as payment, delivery timelines, and copyright ownership of the artwork. In those times, artists had to negotiate with publishers for fair compensation and favorable terms for their work.

In conclusion, Ira Savage Lewis was a prominent American illustrator who worked during the late 19th century. While limited information is available on his specific contract, it is safe to assume that he signed contracts with publishers for his work, as was common in those times. If you are interested in learning more about Ira Savage Lewis` life and work, there are several publications that contain his illustrations and artwork.