Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets with Answers 9Th Grade Pdf

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that students must master to communicate effectively in writing. It refers to the correct matching of the subject with its corresponding verb in a sentence. Subject-verb agreement errors can result in awkward or confusing statements, which can affect the clarity of a student`s writing.

For 9th-grade students, it is crucial to have access to subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers in a PDF format. These worksheets serve as a tool for consolidating learning and assessing understanding of the subject.

Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement errors in sentences that need to be corrected:

1. The team of players are practicing for the game.

This sentence is incorrect because the subject “team” is singular, but the verb “are” is plural. The correct sentence should be, “The team of players is practicing for the game.”

2. John and his friends is going to the park.

This sentence is incorrect because the subject “John and his friends” is plural, but the verb “is” is singular. The correct sentence should be, “John and his friends are going to the park.”

3. The book on the table were torn.

This sentence is incorrect because the subject “book” is singular, but the verb “were” is plural. The correct sentence should be, “The book on the table was torn.”

Subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers in a PDF format can be accessed online. These worksheets can help students practice and reinforce their knowledge of subject-verb agreement rules. The answers provided in the worksheets help students to self-assess their work, identify mistakes, and learn from them.

When using these worksheets, students should focus on the following rules:

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs, while plural subjects take plural verbs.

2. The verb must agree with the subject in number and person.

3. Singular indefinite pronouns take singular verbs, while plural indefinite pronouns take plural verbs.

4. Compound subjects joined by “and” take plural verbs.

5. Compound subjects joined by “or” or “nor” take the verb that agrees with the subject closest to the verb.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of good writing. Mastery of this concept is crucial for 9th-grade students to communicate effectively in writing. Accessing subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers in a PDF format can help students practice and learn the rules of subject-verb agreement, identify their mistakes, and improve their writing skills.